One Day Masterclass: Self-Leadership, Resilience and Vision in Challenging Times 

 practical NLP Masterclass for everyone who wants to be more real, happy and productive 

November 19th 2016  | 10am-6pm 

Etc Venues, Avonmouth House, Avonmouth Street, London SE1 6NX

£195+VAT, Limited Super-earlybird tickets on sale now at only £95+VAT, saving you £120 off of the full price.  



We live in unprecedented times of change and challenge.  There is an inherent instability and lack of permanence in many of our personal, social and professional contexts. We are required to be flexible and imaginative, yet grounded, realistic and smart.

In these shifting conditions it’s likely, even for the “brightest and the best”, to lose their way sometimes, get distracted and stressed, and then not be able to be at their best when it counts.

The NLP based skills and approaches for Self-Leadership, Resilience and Vision are absolute pre-requisites for our busy, complex, modern lives. 

  • These skills and frameworks are the foundations for our most productive and creative work. 
  •  They enable us to generate the new ideas and the more systemic type solutions we need, and bring them into action in the world.
  • We can create more livable lives, that are meaningful, compassionate and worthwhile.

Self-Leadership is about self-care, self-management, inner motivation and emotional intelligence. The skills of Self-Leadership lead to an overall ability to thrive in difficult circumstances.

Resilience is a core component of Self-Leadership. It’s a kind of steady inner strength and a robust sense of well-being and energy. It’s the living embodiment of an active, engaged sense of self–efficacy, – which is a belief that a person is capable of recovering from adversity and of responding effectively.

Vision is the big picture, the felt sense of the ‘field’ of potential.  Personal and professional values give meaning, direction, inspiration and form to our vision. It is through a sense of vision that we are able to dream our dreams, express ourselves in the world, and make a worthwhile contribution.

Who is this new NLP Masterclass for?

  • Do you have a goal or a project you would like to move forward, or a problem you would like to solve, and yet there’s a lack of clarity or energy that is stalling your progress?
  • Do you want to create a new project and get it moving in the right direction?
  • Do you have a vague sense of wanting to make something positive and different happen in the world or in your life but don’t know how to get started?
  • Do you currently get a kind of ‘burn out’, feel stressed and unproductive  at work or at home, and wish to have a more steady and flexible approach to everyday challenges?
  •   Are you at a point in your life when things are changing and you need to ‘step up’ somehow, raise your game, strengthen your sense of agency and stabilise your focus and motivation?

 This CPD day is of course also designed to offer new tools and approaches for professional coaches, therapists, trainers and managers who want to work with these issues with their own clients and customers.

Bring a Problem to Solve, a Goal to Clarify, a Project to Progress

The starting point for this practical and experiential NLP Masterclass is that you select any one of your current personal and/ or professional issues.  It can be in the form of a problem you want to solve, a goal that needs more clarity and motivation, or an ongoing project that you want to progress.

The NLP based tools, skills and approaches for Self Leadership, Resilience and Vision involve and include;

  • Skills for quietening the mind and body
  • Finding the ground under your feet
  •  Being comfortable with uncertainty
  • Recovering from ‘survival mode’ type episodes and experiences
  • Fostering an inner rapport and self-appreciation
  •  Energy management and emotional self-regulation
  •  Motivating values and beliefs, agency, responsibility
  •  Strengthening a felt sense of vision and personal contribution
  •  Vision, mission, values, goals, plans and actions
  •  Dealing with obstacles, resistances and doubts
  •  Effective communication and behaviour
  •  Gathering the allies, support, relationship, community
  •  Creativity, flexibility and imagination
  •  Reality checks, evidence based progress

Being at Your Best – and Doing Your Best Work 

There are no certainties in life and no guarantees of health and happiness and success. Everyone experiences ups and downs, and ebbs and flows of confidence, achievement and well being in their life

However what we can do is make the most of our opportunities and talents, as and how we can, within the various constraints that life offers us.

NLP models and tools offer a uniquely integrated and multi-level approach to optimising our ability to learn, communicate and perform effectively.

This Masterclass aims to give you some of the key frameworks and skills to optimize and leverage your sense of well being and your ability to perform well, solve problems and make progress under difficult, confusing or complex conditions. 

There’s a kind of readiness, centredness and sense of capacity and creativity that we can nurture within ourselves – to face the unexpected, to meet the challenges and changes of life – with just the right kind ofpersonal sense of inner strength, compassion and gentleness, lightness and good humour.

The One Day Masterclass is part of our ongoing commitment to helping you live your mission and vision through advanced NLP practice.


Watch participants from last years workshop discuss what this workshop did for them: 

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