“Be More You” came about when someone asked me to describe what my therapy and my own personal development had done for me. The answer that I came up with is, that I felt “much more me”, happier with the person that I had become and felt much more comfortable inside my own ‘skin’. This answer stuck with me and the idea for Be More You was born.
At the core of all my work is the belief that people deep down are full of the potential to be amazing! I don’t see anyone as being broken or need ‘fixing’. We all have internal strengths and capabilities that exist inside of us, my work is about connecting you to these resources.
‘Problems’ exist when we forget or lose contact with these strengths. You may be stuck inside a problem or symptom, such as depression, addiction, anxiety or stress and this can prevent you from being who you are when you are at your best. Alternatively you may loose sight of you goals and your dreams and may be unsure how to bring out the best of you into your life.
At the heart of my work, Be More You is about connecting you to you!